In case you are not familiar with the term guerrilla marketing, it is a term that refers to marketing your business with tactics that don’t require a large budget. The term guerrilla marketing was introduced in 1984 by author Jay Conrad Levinson, and over the last two decades, the popularity and methods of guerrilla marketing have grown rapidly. One of the main reasons that guerrilla marketing has gained so much popularity among small business owners is the emergence of the Internet. Thanks to the power of the Internet, guerrilla marketing is now more powerful than ever.
Although there are a wide variety of offline guerrilla marketing techniques that can be very useful in promoting your business, today I want to focus solely on a handful of online guerrilla marketing techniques. To give you the best return on the time you invest, here is a compiled list of the four best online guerrilla marketing techniques. Regardless of the products or services your business offers, by taking advantage of the following techniques, you will be able to attract new customers and increase your sales.
1. Let Your Customers Market You
Nothing is better for business than a happy customer, so make sure you utilize your customers to the fullest. In addition to adding a “Tell a Friend” feature to your website, if you allow customers to make orders online, you can provide them with a “Tell a Friend” link directly in their order confirmation email.
2. Give Something Valuable Away for Free
The best way to get someone to buy something is to give them something free first. So, think about something that would benefit your target market (or that they would enjoy), and then create it for them. From a report to a simple online tool to a t-shirt, the possibilities are truly endless. Keep in mind that just because something is valuable does not mean that it has to be expensive. For example, a report may only take a few hours to write, but if it is packed with useful information, you have created something that has a lot of value with just a small investment of time!
3. Create a Buzz About Your Business
Although there are different ways to create a buzz about your business, one of the easiest ways is by following Step Two and then promoting that special offer. From contacting bloggers to only giving something away to a limited number of people, if you can get a few passionate people talking, the buzz will quickly spread to others.
4. Utilize Your Email Address and Signature
Most small business owners send a lot of emails every single day. Therefore, you should use your emails to market yourself. In addition to creating a professional email address ([email protected]), you should add a signature to all of your emails. If you followed Step Two, you can combine it with this step and create an email signature like the following:
Your Name
Download/Get a Free (Insert Viral Content Here)
from (Insert Company Name & Slogan)
Even though it costs nothing, it allows you to spread your marketing message every time you click “Send.”
Are you ready to build your own website and implement Online Guerrilla Marketing Techniques? Contact a San Diego Website Design Agency now!